Langton Green Primary School

Langton Green Admissions

If you are considering applying for a place at our school, welcome to our very special community. Below are policies, advice and information regarding our admissions procedures.

If you are the parent of a child due to start school in September 2025, please find a details of our school tours on our "Open Days" page. If you would feel more comfortable, we also have a "Virtual Tour" available which we hope will convey some of the ethos and values of the school.

 KCC Primary Admissions Leaflet

The Admissions Policy for this school has been agreed by the Governors, based on KCC's model policy. Our New Entrants Booklet provides key information and guidance for pupils starting Reception each year. If you have any questions about the Early Years, please get in touch via the school office.

Over-subscription Criteria

Available places are allocated in accordance with the following over-subscription criteria, which are in order of priority:

  • Children in Local Authority Care and children who have been adopted from Care
  • Current family association (siblings)
  • Health, Social and Special Access reasons
  • Nearness of children’s homes to schools

Reception places at Langton Green – “Planned Intake”

Kent County Council (KCC) manage “Annual Intake” admissions. Please click on the link below for details of the admissions criteria and process for community schools:

KCC encourage parents to apply online at Online applications open in November and close in January each year. Parents are asked to express three preferences for a school place. If you require a paper application, please contact KCC on 03000 416111.

Our DfE number for your application is 886 2482.

Langton Green Primary School is frequently oversubscribed. Although our Published Admission Number is 60, allocation of available places is subject to the admissions criteria (see above). This means that once spaces have been offered to groups such as siblings we often only have 35-45 places left to offer. These places are offered according to the distance from your home to the school. The measurements are calculated by KCC, and are taken 'as the crow flies' using Ordnance Survey data. The nearer you live to the school, the better your chances of gaining a place, although no address can guarantee this. Although we are in contact with several local nurseries, there is no preference given to any single nursery as a feeder for Langton Green.


If your child is due to start Primary school in September 2025, you can appeal if you are refused a place at one of your preferred schools on National Offer Day (Wednesday, 16 April 2025). You needed to submit your appeal before Tuesday, 20th May 2025 for it to be considered by Friday, 18th July 2025. Any appeals received after this time will be heard within 40 school days from the deadline, or where reasonably possible in line with updated guidance from the Department for Education.


For late applications, appeals should be heard within 40 school days from the deadline for lodging appeals where possible, or within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged where reasonably possible in line with updated guidance from the Department for Education

Places in other year groups at Langton Green – “In Year Admissions”

Click here for KCC's page on In Year Admissions

In Year Admissions are made directly to Langton Green School. Please contact the school office ( to enquire if there are any spaces available. If you wish to apply for a school place, please complete and return an In Year Admission Form (IYAF).  Forms can be returned either directly to the office, by email or by post.

Admission FAQs

How can I visit or tour the school?

Please contact the school office and we will do our best to arrange for you to have a tour.

Should your child be offered a place at Langton Green through an In Year Admission, we will arrange for you and your child to visit at that point.

My family and I are moving into your area. What is the likelihood of my child getting a place at your school?

We are usually full in all year groups. As we are oversubscribed, there are prioritised waiting lists for all year groups.  We do have people leaving Langton Green during the school year, but there is not a high turnover and we rarely get much advance notice. Any places that do become available are offered immediately to whoever is currently at the top of the waiting list.

As with all waiting lists, Langton Green’s are ranked according to the priorities at the head of this page. Unless you fulfil one of the earlier criteria, your address will be used to rank you; KCC measures all the distances in a straight line from the school. The closer you live to the school, the higher you will be on the waiting list but please be aware that your position on the waiting list is subject to change. Until you have a local address you will be at the bottom of the waiting list.

We understand that this is a ‘Catch 22’ situation –  you don’t want to commit to a property without guaranteeing a place at the school of your choice but unfortunately you are highly unlikely to get a place at Langton Green without a local address.

If you wish to apply for a school place/place on the waiting list at Langton Green, please complete and return the In Year Admission Form. We will respond to you in writing and if we are unable to offer you a place, you can request to be placed on the waiting list. We will place you on the waiting list according to the address you are using on the application form. We will request to see proof of residence in the form of a rental agreement or exchange of contracts.

Do you have any information regarding this year’s admissions to Reception class?

Offers are made in early April and, until then, the school does not have exact information on the number of sibling places or distances from the school offered in the September of that year.

There is no defined ‘catchment area’. Places are offered in priority order as listed above. Generally, siblings take up 20-30 of the 60 places. Remaining places are offered on the basis of distance. It is difficult to predict how far we can offer as it depends on the number of siblings and also the number of children living close to the school who will be starting school that year. Please see below for furthest distances a child was offered.

  • 2024, the furthest distance a child was offered a place was approx. 2-2.5 miles
  • 2023, the furthest distance a child was offered a place was approx. 2.5-3 miles
  • 2022, the furthest distance a child was offered a place was approx. 2-2.5 miles

How do deferred admissions work?

"Compulsory school age" means that from the term after your child turns 5, they should be participating in full time education. For most children, the September after they reach compulsory school age, they join Year 1.

Most pupils attend school in a Reception class full-time from the September after their 4th birthday up until they start Year 1. 

Parents of summer born children (born between April and August) have the opportunity to decide whether to defer their child's entry into school so that they do not attend at age 4 and that when they do start at age 5, they still start in a Reception year group, rather than Year 1 with their chronological peers. 

Kent's information about deferred entry for summer born children can be found here: 

Summer born children - Kent County Council

The DfE's guidance for deferred entry for summer born children can be found here:

Summer born children starting school: advice for parents - GOV.UK

Langton Green Primary School is usually willing to accommodate parents who wish to apply for deferred entry for their child. However, each case must be applied for individually and must be pre-agreed with any school before application. If this is something that you are considering, we would encourage you to talk to us about the process before making a school application. 

Please note that you should secure agreements with schools and discuss deferral with the local authority in the same year that you would for normal entry. See the example below for an idea of the process. However, applications are managed by Kent County Council and you should discuss the process directly with them if you have any questions.

Example of school entry processes (illustrative only):

Normal entry for a child born in May 2020 Deferred entry for a child born in May 2020
Autumn 2023: visit and tour local schools Autumn 2023: visit and tour local schools. Discuss deferred entry with preferred schools. Secure written deferred entry agreement from all school preferences.
November to January 2024: window for applications for a primary school place (made via KCC). November to January 2024: apply for a school via KCC (even if you have agreed deferred entry with schools)
April 2024: school places awarded by the local authority April 2024: school places awarded by the local authority. If you are awarded a place at a school who has agreed to deferred entry, you can withdraw your application by contacting KCC.
September 2024: child starts school in a Reception year group

November 2024: request a summer born application form for your child to start Reception in September 2025. You are required to enclose your written agreement from each named school with your application.


November to January 2025: apply using the summer born application form.
April 2025: school places awarded by the local authority. 
May 2025: child reaches compulsory school age May 2025: child reaches compulsory school age
September 2025: child enters Year 1 September 2025: child starts school in a Reception year group