Langton Green Primary School


Our school continues to respond to the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. Please note that changes to national guidance are not always reflected in the guidance for schools immediately.

Please follow the school's staggered drop-off and pick-up instructions at the beginning and end of the day. Please remain socially distanced and help keep our school and the wider community safe.

If any member of your household displays symptoms of coronavirus, the entire family will need to self-isolate. Contact the school and your child's teacher will provide remote learning for them during this period.

School Updates:

NHS Information:

Government Updates:

COVID-19 Premium

In June, the government announced that all schools would receive funding to help them develop a programme of support for children who have been identified as having significant gaps in their learning. The first part of this COVID ‘catch up’ fund has now been released to schools.

The ‘catch up’ premium is funded on a ‘per pupil’ basis at £80 per pupil. At Langton, this means that the total amount of funding we will receive, is £33200 (based on 415 pupils attending Langton at the time of our census)

The guidance states that it is down to individual schools to allocate the funding as they see fit.

Here at Langton, we have used this money to purchase resources that have enabled the teachers to identify children who have significant gaps in their learning and then plan comprehensive support for them.

We have also employed a full time, experienced teacher, to work with those children in the areas that they are less confident in, so that they can continue building up their knowledge and in turn, close the gaps in their learning.

We will publish data at the end of the academic year to show attainment outcomes for these children. We will also report emerging data to governors during our full governing body meetings (once every long term).

We have also invested in additional learning materials to ‘boost’ the children’s learning.

The focus areas for our catch up include:

  • Time spent on mental health and wellbeing. This will form the core of our catch up and will be monitored by the Wellbeing team: Alex Cornelius (Headteacher), Pam Gibbs (Mental First Aider for Adults), Sue Brown (Mental First Aider for Children), Sarah Howland (Deputy Headteacher) and Rosie Lea (Designated Safeguarding Lead).
  • All staff will be expected to focus on basic skills and knowledge, including early reading skills and phonics, handwriting, spellings, punctuation and key mathematical concepts (multiplication, addition, subtraction etc.). They will be revised regularly throughout the week to ensure that they become established and that the children are confident when recalling them in the future.
  • Comprehensive assessments throughout each short term to enable detailed and focused planning. Any previous gaps, or emerging gaps are addressed quickly and thoroughly.
  • Additional time on core teaching, so that ‘missed learning’ is accommodated and children’s subject knowledge increases.

Although we are committed to our programme of catch up, we are also mindful that our children are having to revise past concepts while engage with a new ‘year group’ curriculum. A sensitive approach to our pupils learning needs is key to their success and their ability to make good progress. 
