Langton Green Primary School

Advice and information for parents

Please find below advice and guidance that you may find useful. If you need anything else, please contact the school office.

Attendance & sickness

The school gates open at 8:30am and close at 8:55am.  From September 2024 the end of day pick up time for all pupils will be 3:30pm.


Please report all sickness and absence either via the ParentMail absences app, via the school office or direct to the school Attendance Officer.  If your child has sickness or diarrhoea they should, in line with our school policy, remain off school for 48 hrs from the last time they were sick or had an upset tummy.

Attendance Officer: or call the school office between 8.00 AM and 4.00 PM.


Should you wish to request term-time absence, please complete a 'request for term-time absence' form (download here request for term-time absence form) and either scan and email it to or pop it into the school office. Once your request has been received and processed, you will receive a signed copy in an envelope via your child's school bag or email. Please check back with us if you haven't received a copy back within 48 hours of handing your form in.

For full details of our 'Attendance Policy', please see our policies page.

Please see our School Attendance Flyer

Walking home consent

Year 5/6 walking home consent form - download here

Anti Bullying

We are committed to developing an anti-bullying culture whereby no bullying, including between adults or adults and children and young people will be tolerated. 

What is bullying?

Bullying is "Behaviour by an individual or a group, usually repeated over time that intentionally hurts another individual either physically or emotionally". (DfE "Preventing and Tackling Bullying", November 2014). At Langton we use this definition along with advice from Kidscape (please see below link). 

Bullying can include: name calling, taunting, mocking, making offensive comments; kicking; hitting; taking belongings; producing offensive graffiti; gossiping; excluding people from groups and spreading hurtful and untruthful rumours. This includes the same inappropriate and harmful behaviours expressed via digital devices (cyber-bullying) such as the sending of inappropriate messages by phone, text, Instant Messenger, through websites and social media sites and apps, and sending offensive or degrading images by mobile phone or via the internet.

Our school community: 

  • Discusses, monitors and reviews our anti-bullying policy and practice on a regular basis.
  • Supports all staff to promote positive relationships to prevent bullying and will intervene by identifying and tackling bullying behaviour appropriately and promptly.
  • Ensures that pupils are aware that all bullying concerns will be dealt with sensitively and effectively; that pupils feel safe to learn; and that pupils abide by the anti-bullying policy.
  • Reports back to parents/carers regarding their concerns on bullying and deals promptly with complaints. Parents/carers in turn work with the school to uphold the anti-bullying policy.
  • Seeks to learn from good anti-bullying practice elsewhere and utilises support from the Local Authority and other relevant organisations when appropriate.


 Kidscape describe the difference between bullying and conflict:

  • Bullying comes from a place of coldness
  • There is an imbalance of power and someone is picked on
  • The intention is pre-meditated and the person bullying seeks to get their own way or to put the other person down
  • The person who is being bullied can feel sad, scared or angry.  The person who is bullying feels powerful and in control
  • If it happens once, it is can be seen as an act of unkindness.  If the person feels no remorse when they know how badly it affects the other person and carries on with the bullying behaviour, it can be termed bullying
  • There needs to be some form of restorative justice from the person bullying to repair the harm they have done

LGPS Anti Bullying Policy. 

Kidscape Bullying Workshop Presentation


The Internet is a powerful tool, providing our children with access to information and opportunities that can enrich their lives. However, it also has potential hazards and dangers that they should be aware of.

We often draw a comparison to road safety: we do not let small children cross a road unsupervised and as they grow older we teach them to be aware of the hazards and take suitable precautions. The same approach should be taken when learning to navigate the online world.

  • Does your child use the Internet?
  • Do you know who your child is talking to whilst online?
  • Are you aware that the photos your child may be sharing online could be online forever?
  • Do you know how to beat cyberbullying?
  • Do you know the power of this button?

CEOP button

You might be struggling to keep up with the things your child is doing online, you might wonder whether what they are doing is safe, and you might also be thinking how can I be as good a parent online as I am offline?

If you feel that you are not as aware of Internet Safety (or E-safety) issues as you would like to be, we urge you to visit this superb website that has been designed to support and empower you:

And if you are worried about anything, please do not hesitate to contact us at the school.

REMEMBER - The benefits of the Internet far outweigh the negatives, and it is not the technology that is a problem, it is the behaviour of some of the users. 

Keeping your child safe online - A checklist for parents and carers

As a parent you’ll probably know how important the internet is to children and young people. They use it to learn, play, socialise and express themselves in all types of creative ways. This may be through sharing photos and videos, blogging, gaming, or even developing their own apps. It is a place of amazing opportunies.

The technology children use in their daily lives can seem dauntng. You might worry about the risks they can face online, such as bullying, contact from strangers, as well as the possibility of access to inappropriate or illegal content. To help them stay safe, it’s important that you understand how your child uses the internet.

By following this simple checklist, you can start to protect them and decrease the risks they face:

  • I have asked my child to show me sites they use – By doing so, your child is including you in their online life and social activity. Show an interest and take note of the names of their favourite sites. You can then re-visit these when you are alone. Take your time and explore the space, find out how to set the safety features and learn how to report any issues directly to the site.
  • I have asked my child to set their profile settings to private – Social networking sites, such as Facebook, are used by children to share information, photos and just about everything they do! Encourage your child to set their privacy settings to private. They need to think about the information they post online as it could be copied and pasted anywhere, without their permission. If it got into the wrong hands, somebody may wish to use it against them or worst of all try to locate them in the real world.
  • I have asked my child about their online friends – We know that people lie online about who they are and may create fake identites. It is very important children understand this. Whether they are visiting a social network or a gaming site, the safety messages are the same. Children and young people must never give out personal information, and only be “friends” with people they know and trust in the real world.
  • I have set appropriate parental controls on my child’s computer, mobile and games console – Filters on computers and mobiles can prevent your child from viewing inappropriate and possibly illegal content. You can activate and change levels depending on your child’s age and abilities. You can also set me restrictions for using the internet or games. They can be free and easy to install. Call your service provider who will be happy to assist or visit CEOP’s parents' site for further information. Explain to your child why you are setting parental controls when you talk to them about their internet use.
  • My child has agreed to tell me if they are worried about something online – Sometimes children get into situations online where they don’t feel comfortable or see something they don’t want to see. By opening up the communication channels and talking to your child about the internet, their favourite sites and the risks they may encounter, they are more likely to turn to you if they are concerned about something.
  • I know where to get help if I’m concerned about my child – The CEOP Safety Centre provides access to a range of services. If you are concerned that an adult has made inappropriate contact with your child you can report this directly to CEOP. You can also find help if you think your child is being bullied, or if you’ve come across something on the internet which you think may be illegal.
    Visit the Safety Centre at or by clicking on this button:

For further help and guidance on all the information mentioned please visit:
