Langton Green Primary School

Curriculum topics

Every term, each class has a "topic" which is used to thread together elements of learning from across all curriculum subjects. This is driven by a Cornerstones knowledge-rich project.


More information about the structure of our school curriculum and the tools that we use to ensure a robust sequencing of lessons can be found here:

Learning Journeys

At Langton Green we aim to provide a creative, broad and balanced curriculum. Fitting in all the wonderful learning opportunities can be challenging and we plan the curriculum very carefully to ensure that rather than racing through coverage, the children experience learning in an area to a deep and profound level. Our curriculum provides children with the opportunity to master not just cover areas of learning.

Learning journeys are planned so that the term starts with a stunning start to engage and motivate the pupils. This may be a surprise visit, a mystery or an event. We carefully design each learning journey around a marvellous middle on which pupils can pin their learning and make it memorable. Finally we finish with a fabulous finish an opportunity to share our learning often with parents and the community.


Please click on the links in the overview planner to find out more information about learning journeys in each year group including planning, overviews and leaflets sent to parents and pupils at the start of each journey.

Year Groups

Autumn Term

Spring Term

Summer Term



 Year R

All About Me, Exploring Autumn

Year R

Winter Wonderland, Marvellous Machines and Long Ago

Year R

 Ready Steady Grow, Moving On



Key Stage 1


Year 1



Year 2 

Movers and Shakers

Year 1

 Bright Lights Big City


Year 2



Year 1

School days


Year 2

Magnificent Monarchs


Please click on the links in the overview planner to find out more information about learning journeys in each year group including planning, overviews and leaflets sent to parents and pupils at the start of each journey.



Terms 1 and 2


Terms 3 and 4


Terms 5 and 6


Key Stage 2


Year 3

Through the Ages



Year 4


 Year 3

Rocks Relics and Rumbles


Year 4

Misty Mountain, Winding River

Year 3:

 Emperors and Empires


 Year 4:

Groundbreaking Greeks



Terms 1 and 2


Terms 3 and 4


Terms 5 and 6


Key Stage 2 


Year 5

 Britain At War



Year 6



 Year 5

Valley of the Kings



Year 6

Our Ever Changing World

Year 5: 

Sow Grow and Farm


Year 6:

"All The World's A Stage"
