Langton Green Primary School

Music at Langton Green School

There are many opportunities for children to develop their musical skills and knowledge beyond our standard curriculum.

Learning a musical instrument - we have experienced peripatetic music teachers who visit the school and teach a variety of instruments during the school day.  Currently we offer lessons in piano, violin, singing, clarinet, saxophone, flute, trumpet, trombone, harp, guitar, ukulele and drum kit.  Tuition on other instruments is sometimes possible, so please do enquire.  Enquiry forms are available from the school office and Mr. Bartle will be pleased to answer any initial queries.

School Orchestra meets on Tuesday afternoons each week - all children are welcome from year 4 upwards, especially those learning instruments in school.  We have currently got around 25 children in the school orchestra performing on a variety of instruments including Harps, Trumpets, Recorders, Violins, Keyboards and a variety of Percussion. 

Brass Bands are open to children in Years 4, 5 and 6 and meet on Wednesday afternoons. These are training bands which means that the members learn as we go, with the Junior Brass Band as the beginners band before the pupils move up to the Senior Brass Band in Year 6. Instruments are hired from KMS and include Trumpets, Cornets, Tenor Horns, Baritones and Trombones. 

Samba Band is an exciting opportunity for children in Years 3 and 4 meeting each Thursday afternoon. It is a high-energy, high-volume rhythmic band, which is highly inclusive. The children can choose between playing the Surdo, Repinique, Cowbells, Agogo Bells, Woodblocks or Shakers. It's a fantastic introduction to the ensembles at LG.

All of the children involved in the orchestra and bands have numerous opportunities to perform within school at the Christmas Carol Concerts, Whole School Spring Concert and at the Parents Association events throughout the year.

If you would like to be in touch about music at Langton Green, please contact Mr. Bartle (music coordinator): 
