Pupil Voice Committee
The Pupil Voice Committee serves as the pupil voice of the children here at Langton Green School. It is an elected body consisting of children from Yr 2–Yr 6.
During Pupil Voice Committe meetings, the pupil representatives are given an opportunity to put forward their views about the school, to talk about the things they like and also what they feel could be improved. They are given a genuine stake in decision-making at our school and may also be asked to discuss certain issues raised by the SLT. In addition, JLT members (the elected House Captains) may take on the role of Chairperson and Secretary, taking minutes of our meetings and running some of the sessions.
The Pupil Voice Committee has representatives from each Y2-Y6 class. These elected representatives – one boy and one girl - meet with our Link Teacher, at least twice per half-term to discuss issues. They then share with their classes what has been discussed and bring back other suggested ideas or solutions at the following meeting. When planning new whole-school developments, the Pupil Voice Committee is consulted and its ideas, views and opinions are sought. The children’s views and their concerns are always taken very seriously and the elected children are known about the school and act as role models, wearing their badge with pride.
Our Council Constitution
At our first meeting, we discussed the purpose of the committee and drew up our constitution:
- To give pupils the opportunity to be involved in improving school life for everyone.
- For pupils to work as partners with staff, developing a caring school community.
- To provide all pupils with opportunities to develop skills that will be important throughout their lives.
- To involve pupils in solving problems and resolving conflicts.
- Each class will elect a girl and boy to be their representatives.
- The Pupil Voice Committee will be made up of two representatives from each class in years 2 – 6.
- The Pupil Voice Committee will meet regularly.
Responsibilities of a Pupil Voice Committee Representative
As a member of the Pupil Voice Committee we feel it is our responsibility to be the voice of all pupils. We actively work towards making school improvements that reflect the whole school. We want to ensure that we provide a role model to all Langton Green’s pupils and offer challenges and tasks across the school.
Responsibilities of a Pupil Voice Committee Representative
Class representatives will report back to their class after every Pupil Voice Committee meeting.
- Class representatives will take issues brought by their class to the pupil voice committee.
- They should put across the views of their class, not their own views.
- If a representative misses committee meetings twice in a row without a good reason, the class can choose to elect a new representative.
Chair and Secretary
Year 6 pupils were given the opportunity to stand as Chair and Secretary of the Pupil Voice Committee. The Chair has the responsibility of running the meetings (with the help of the link teacher) whilst the secretary is responsible for taking the minutes of the meetings and circulating them to all pupil voice committee representatives