Langton Green Primary School


The Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is a registered charity which raises funds to enhance each pupil’s learning experience at Langton Green Primary School.

All parents and staff are automatically members of the PTA, but it is managed by a committee that organises various events throughout the year. Not only do these events raise much-needed funds for the school, but they also provide a great opportunity for families and staff to socialise together.

PTA Committee Members 2024-25

  • Chair – Tasha Parnell
  • Co Vice Chair - Chantelle Hearfield
  • Co Vice Chair - Leila Eldred 
  • Treasurers – Tom Churton
  • Secretary – vacant

Funding the PTA

We are all doing this to help make the school a better environment for our children.

Many parents choose to set up a monthly standing order to provide regular support to the school from as little as £3 a month.  This is an easy way to contribute and because we are a registered charity, all donations qualify for gift aid.

This was previously known as the Governors’ Fund and has now been renamed to the PTA Fund.  Subscription forms are available to download here, by emailing or you can ask for a paper copy from the School Office.



We are now registered with easyfundraising, which means you can help us for FREE. Over 6,000 shops and sites will donate to us when you use easyfundraising to shop with them – at no extra cost to yourself! All you need to do is sign up and remember to use easyfundraising whenever you shop online. It’s easy and completely FREE! These donations really mount up, so please sign up to support us at


The PTA are excited to announce that we have teamed up with Stikins to offer parents the opportunity to purchase quality labels for your children’s school uniform, whilst earning the school commission at the same time!

How it works:

Each order placed quoting the school reference number 11604 will provide the school with 30% commission. If you use the link below to order your labels online, the number is filled in automatically for you!

Click here to order Stikins name labels and raise money for the school.


Stamptastic is the fastest way to name your kids belongings. Step away from the ironing board and put that needle and thread away. Stamp instead with Stamptastic.
Stamptastic’s magic ink withholds 50 washes on care labels without fading. Earn 15% commission for your PTA when you buy any Stamptastic product, using the affiliate link below.

PLUS £4.99 discount when you order the School Name Labels Deluxe Bundle, using this PTA Code: TN30JG

Don’t forget to use your PTA code TN30JG or just click the link below to earn commission for your PTA.

Click here to order from Stamptastic and raise money for the school


If you work for an organisation that has a match funding policy, any money you raise could be matched by your employer. Companies may match the fundraising total for an event, or for the stall that their employee is working on. Usually, the employee will need to supply them with a letter from the PTA detailing the date and nature of the event, together with the total raised.

We understand that the high street banks, building societies, supermarkets and large corporations are likely to do match funding, but these schemes are not exclusive to the major corporate giants. If you work for an independent company, they may be interested in charitable giving through match funding too.

We would be grateful if you could see if your employer has a match funding scheme, or if they are willing to match fund any of our events. If you can’t help out this time, but you know the company you work for has a match funding policy, please let us know. This could be a really large source of income for the PTA and help us raise funds for our school.  Please get in touch with us at if you need further information.

 Fundraising Events

Traditionally our main events of the year are the Christmas Fair & Grotto, the Summer Fair, as well as a sponsored sports event.   In addition, the children get to design their own Christmas cards which you can then purchase, and we usually run small events like Krispy Kreme sale, make your own pizza kit and much more.

 How is the money spent?

Most of the money is used to buy equipment or pay towards school upgrades and improvements as requested by the Headteacher, teaching staff and Governors. Over the past year, the PTA have helped fund the following:

  • Play village
  • Year 6 Outdoor Hives
  • KS1 outdoor area enhancement
  • All-weather running track
  • New Piano
  • Brass Band Tuition

Previous years, the PTA have contributed to:

  • Funding some of the new music building
  • Upgrading the children's toilets

PTA Newsletter:


Click here if you would like to find out more about how you can get involved with the PTA.

Do you have ideas for new fundraising events?  Do you enjoy being part of a team? Please contact us on if you would like to join.

Even if you have younger children at home or only a small amount of time, could you help set up an event, man a stall for half an hour or design a poster?

Perhaps you have a professional skill you could help us out with?

You don't have to come into the school; many of our volunteering tasks can be done from home.

The most important skills you can bring are enthusiasm and a willingness to get stuck in.

Meetings are flexible and held at different times to accommodate as many volunteers as possible, but if you cannot make it, minutes are taken and circulated to ensure you are kept up to speed. It is a great opportunity to engage with people from other year groups and broaden your social circle.  Without our generous volunteers we would not be able hold these events and raise money for our school.

 As the old saying goes, many hands make light work. If you are not able to commit to the core team, then any help, however small, is always welcome, examples might be:

  • Sourcing prizes for our raffles and auctions
  • Producing artwork for our various events
  • Coming up with fundraising ideas
  • Manning a stand at PTA Fundraising Events
  • Collecting donations for the Christmas & Summer Fairs
  • Supporting us in any events we run

Get in Touch and stay up to date



Facebook:       Langton Green Primary School PTA Facebook page
