Langton Green Primary School

Remote Learning

Following the lessons learned from the lockdowns of 2020 and 2021, we can provide remote learning for children in exceptional circumstances.

Sometimes, circumstances prevent some children from attending school due to ill health, personal circumstances or local/national events. Whenever possible we will work to identify and provide places in school for a significant number of critical worker children and pupils who meet the government's criteria for "vulnerable". If that is not possible, our team will work hard to ensure that the children receive the very best we can deliver, whether they are in school or learning from home. 

Our Virtual Classroom

In the event of exceptional circumstances for individuals or groups of children, our teachers can provide a mix of virtual lessons and remote learning tasks using Google Classroom. This provision can be agreed and organised in advance with the senior leadership team. Your child will require access to a device, preferably a desktop or laptop computer (most tablets will be sufficient, but a smart phone would not) in order to participate fully. If you require any support with technological resources please contact the school and we will do everything possible to support you.

Guides and Guidance

More detailed information about our virtual classroom can be found here.

In order to fulfil our safeguarding obligations, GDPR requirements, the guidance set out by the DfE and our own Acceptable Use policy, we expect the whole school community to follow a code of conduct whilst using technology in this way. We would kindly ask that you respect this code of conduct if we are required to use the virtual classroom.

Langton Green Primary School Virtual Classroom Code of Conduct

If you have not logged in to Google Classroom before, please follow the instructions which can be found below.

Below you will also find a series of step-by-step guides for using elements of the virtual classroom. Please contact the school by phone or by email if you or your child require any support with using the classroom.

Mental Health and Well-Being

We appreciate that home schooling is very challenging, particularly for parents who are also attempting to work from home and that not everyone has the luxury of being able to work closely with their child throughout the day. However, we know from experience the difference that even a small amount of learning at home can make once the children do eventually return to school. Therefore, please contact your child’s teacher via the school office if you and your child need any support, encouragement or resources and we will be happy to help. All of your efforts to continue the children’s learning at home are much appreciated.

If you feel overwhelmed at all by any of the obstacles that you face at home, please get in touch with us here at school and we will do our best to help.

You can also find useful advice, information and resources via the website for the charity, Mind:

Other resources for learning from home:

The Oak National Academy is a government funded initiative to provide daily online lessons for all age groups of children. The BBC has also launched a similar series of daily lessons across all subjects and age groups.

You will find our own list of useful links and online resources on our Useful Links page.
