Langton Green Primary School

Events Gallery

There are many special events that take place at Langton every year, supplementing and celebrating the children's educational experiences within the wider community.

The best way to stay up to date with our latest events and news is by following us on Instagram (@langton_green_primary). However, over the last few years many events have of course been recorded and shared online. Below are some of the highlights which we still enjoy watching:

New playground equipment 

We are pleased to announce that a some new play equipment has been installed into the school field by Creative Play, and supported by the PTA. We are looking forward to officially opening the equipment to the children after the February half term...

 Leavers July 2022

In the summer of 2022, Year 6 put on a magical outdoor performance of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, complete with a modern soundtrack featuring the Arctic Monkeys, the Beatles and Taylor Swift. The production was an incredible showcase of the talent in Year 6 as well as a loving tribute to our Langton Lions as they leave us for the dizzying heights of secondary school. 

Below is a video of highlights of the show:

Christmas 2021

Christmas 2021 was a series of virtual events at Langton. Please see the links below:

Reception The Early Years Christmas Extravaganza
Year One The Year 1 Nativity
Year Two The Year 2 Nativity: Lights! Camels! Action!
LKS2 Lower Key Stage Two Carol Concert
UKS2 Upper Key Stage Two Carol Concert

Christmas 2020

Unfortunately, in December 2020 we have been unable to hold the many events that normally make Christmas at Langton so special.

The Reception, Year One and Year Two teams each produced their own Christmas videos in place of the traditional Nativity performance. You can find each of their videos on the relevant class pages of our website by following the links below:

Reception Langton Green Primary School - Early Years (
Year One Langton Green Primary School - Year 1 (
Year Two Langton Green Primary School - Year 2 (

 As an alternative to our normal KS2 Carol Concerts, all of the classes have worked together to produce a virtual Carol Concert:

Our music ensemble groups were also able to produce a video on some of the pieces of music that they have been working on in their separate "bubbles" over the course of the Autumn term:

Virtual Assemblies

During the coronavirus pandemic, we published a series of Virtual Assemblies presented by our staff. Each of these assemblies focussed on some of our school core values, after which our classes are named.

Virtual Assembly 1 Joy and Kindness
Virtual Assembly 2 Hope and Courage
Virtual Assembly 3 Love and Peace
Virtual Assembly 4 Curiosity and Honesty
Virtual Assembly 5 Compassion and Liberty
Virtual Assembly 6 Unity and Integrity
Virtual Assembly 7 Honour and Pride
Virtual Assembly 8 Core value summary

Sports Week July 2020

Sports Week 2020 was a virtual event, so that everyone both in school and at home could participate and score points for their house. 

Out first video explained how the event worked, and showed the teachers getting sports week started with two classic primary school sports day races - the Sack Race and the Egg and Spoon Race!

The video below is a message from some of our inspirational house captains, spurring their houses to sports day victory! Good luck to Buckingham, Caenarvon and Windsor!

The results are in! Please watch the video below to see Mr C announcing the winning house for the first ever Langton Green virtual sports day, followed by a short message from their house captain. Well done and thank you to everyone who took part!

Year Six Leavers Events July 2020

Our Year 6 pupils are the 'Langton Lions'. They are our school representatives and our role models to all the other pupils, and saying goodbye to them at the end of the year as they leave to start their secondary school adventures is one of the most important rites of passage for the school community. 2020 posed a number of challenges but we held a very special evening red carpet event to screen the movie that Year 6 had made instead of their production.

A Midsummer Night's Dream, by LGPS Year 6 2020 (Full movie): 

Photos of the outdoor cinema event: 
